Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing serves to release old energies, patterns and attachments that are inappropriately present, or by returning energies that you need in the present moment. This includes assisting the embodiment of your whole self by restoring ancestral power, animal allies, introducing spirit guides, or finding lost soul parts or integrating childhood aspects of yourself that may have been hidden due to shock or trauma.
The aim is to restore your connection to self and to community, including your alignment with mother earth, giving personal power and inner purpose, allowing confidence, creativity, self esteem and new soul gifts to arise.
Shamans work in voluntary, ecstatic trance states, which alter their consciousness to travel to the realms of the invisible worlds. Their ability to gain information and make changes in non-physical realms is dependent upon the working relationships they develop with spirits there. In this sense, shamanism is a relationship-based practice of making changes in invisible realms to impact healing, for individuals or communities, that will manifest in ordinary reality.